
At OPENHOUSE, we take being a good neighbor seriously. This Mutual Aid Visual Pantry system was created with a hope to close the food insecurity gaps that my neighbors faced.

True community resilience starts at the local level, with neighbors supporting neighbors. Our Visual Pantry system is more than just a food distribution point – it's a testament to the power of collective care and shared resources.

Access the Template here:

The Pantry


This innovative system allows community members to easily see what items are available and what's needed, promoting efficient sharing and reducing waste. It's designed to be user-friendly, dignified, and accessible, regardless of technological access or literacy levels.

By making the invisible visible, we're not only addressing immediate food needs but also raising awareness about ongoing food insecurity in our community. This system serves as a conversation starter, a community builder, and a practical solution all at once.

We've designed this system to be easily replicated and adapted, encouraging other neighborhoods to create their own mutual aid networks. Through this initiative, we're fostering a culture of reciprocity and demonstrating that when we come together, we can create meaningful change right where we live.